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Marketing ....A view from the new dimension

In today's world, there are words like Digital Marketing, Social Marketing, Online Marketing etc. These words though sound familiar to us, they are actually came into existence as the Customer or Target Audience started using various platforms in their day to day life.

In earlier day only word that was in existence was Marketing. As and when people and technology changed, Marketing methodology also changed to reach to the target audience and meet the organization objectives in a way that will leave an impact about the organization into audience.

Many marketing strategies are already existing in current world. Generally strategy is a long-term plan to meet the particular objective set by any company. While Strategy and Taactics Originated from military operations and many a times used interchangeably while it should not be.

Strategy means defining a clear aim for the organization and designing the framework of policy accordingly so as to achieve the objectives. There may be various ways and tactics to reach the set objective in manner which satisfies the policy framework. Thus Strategy is a like an umbrella while tactic is like a part of the umbrella that help an umbrella function properly.

Defining a Marketing Strategy is very critical and crucial activity for any organization as it will help an organization create its Brand and also help to reach the audience with clear message. The ultimate of these activities will be to boost the Sales of Organization.

In 1985, the Chartered Institute of Marketing adopted the dynamic slogan:
'Marketing means Business'

The very core of any organization is Marketing. It main key objective is to create the brand so as to improve the health of the organization. It is always seen that organization should make profits but other way of the world is that we should also look at creating a bigger market share than today. This is the way of creating the business with value for the customer and not for only organization.

Earlier marketing was taken a tool for any organization to lure the customer under their advertisements etc and generating revenue for the organization. In this way many organization lost their customer trust and ultimately their market share to their competitors which resulted into a bad book entries of organization.

"Customer is King" - we all know the value of customer still sometimes knowingly or unknowingly we are missing the customer in our strategy and thus fail miserably into customer satisfaction. When Customer is put first in the strategy, chances for getting your product or service is really high compared to others.

While Monopoly kind of business strategies are extinct and now availing the product to masses is becoming core objective for the organizations. If technology is not availed by customers, there can always be a better or improved version which they are opting for based on various factors like economics, geography, status, etc.

I hope this article has helped you in understanding a better perspective about Marketing and next articles I will be writing on various approaches for Marketing.

Please feel free to express your thoughts in comments section below.

by Amit Derasari
Marketing ....A view from the new dimension Marketing ....A view from the new dimension Reviewed by Unknown on May 31, 2016 Rating: 5


  1. Once, companies aimed to generate great revenues by increasing their sales through aggressive marketing. It usually revolved mainly on their products. But as time wore on, most companies recognize the need of addressing customer experience and satisfaction. Marketers don't talk about what the products can do their customers but rather what the customers can benefit from the product.

    1. Nice thought provoking comment you have given to me. I personally have felt that at beginning its all about customers but when companies start looking for margins, it all becomes money game only and customer is lost in it somewhere. If they address this issues with consistent customer satisfaction, nothing like it.

